Any audit, and especially that of the mandatory annual financial statement, is generally not perceived as a particularly joyous occasion but rather is considered to be something ranging anywhere from an irksome duty all the way to an alarmingly serious hurdle to the further development of the company.
We would gladly relieve you of these cares and anxieties. We understand only too well the reservation employees feel toward outsiders and have seen how normal routine suffers during an audit. That is a major reason why we have geared our auditing procedures to concentrate on covering the essential and, with our computerized auditing and documentation methods, we keep our presence to a minimum.
The German Commercial Code (HGB) and the International Accounting Standards allow room for interpretation and the interpretations of appointed auditors can sometimes reduce the compensure of a seasoned manager to that of a nervous student facing a terrifying exam. We want to avoid such distress from the beginning, by having an open ear for the questions your accounts department might have and ensuring a maximum of transparency in our valuation standards.